Record breaking labor market builds workers’ power.
With Wisconsin’s unemployment rate dipping to historic lows and the number of jobs and workers reaching historic highs, Wisconsin’s labor market has had a record breaking year. Over the past 12 months, the state added 39,500 jobs to reach the record high of 3,007,200 jobs in July. In the same time, Wisconsin’s unemployment rate, currently 2.6%, has hovered around or below 3% and posted record lows in April and May (2.4%).
These record setting levels are consistent evidence of a strong economy and good news for workers. Sustained job growth and low unemployment rates increase workers’ bargaining power. Workers can leverage abundant opportunities by leaving their jobs for better opportunities or using the credible threat of leaving to secure improvements in the jobs they hold.
Opportunity is not distributed equally across population and geography in the state. Racial disparity in the state remains substantial and gravely concerning, but sustained economic growth is also helping to narrow the racial and ethnic gaps. For example, over the last year in Wisconsin, white unemployment (2.4%) held steady while Black unemployment fell from 5.8% to 4.7%.
Workers have responded. Wisconsin continues to have a relatively high labor force participation rate (65.5% in Wisconsin compared to 62.6% for the US). Engagement with work is above national levels for both women and men in the state, but Wisconsin’s womens’ relative advantage over the national rate appears to be shrinking. The state’s decreasing investment in child care is likely to further challenge working women in this state.
Unemployment disparities are substantial, but closed over the last year
Racial disparities in the state are substantial with Black and brown workers much more likely to be unemployed than whites in the state. The disparity between Black and white workers has been extreme, and we have documented the high level of disparity, especially in unemployment in previous editions of the State of Working Wisconsin. (See Race in the Heartland for a summary of Wisconsin’s extreme racial disparity.)
Disparity in unemployment is evident in J.4, which provides estimates of unemployment rates racial and ethnic categories in the first three months of 2023 (Q1 2023). In Wisconsin, the unemployment rate for whites is just 2.4% and even lower for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders at 2.1%. Unemployment is nearly twice as high for Black workers: 4.7%. For Hispanics, the unemployment rate of 3.3% is also higher than the white rate.
Equally remarkable, given the long history of extreme disparity, is the decline in the Black/white unemployment gap. For decades, Black people have been well over twice as likely to be unemployed as white workers in the state, and this ratio has always substantially exceeded the national ratio of disparity. There is good news in these estimates which show that for Q1 2023, unemployment was lower for Black people in Wisconsin than the national average. Over the last year, the Black unemployment rate fell by 1.1 percentage points, even as the white rate stayed constant. As a result, Black and white unemployment is actually less disparate than the national racial gap. Given years of analysis of racial disparities, this closing of the gap warrants attention. To be sure, the disparity is still unacceptably high, but the direction of the trend is good news in Wisconsin. Sustained low unemployment in the state appears to be reducing the pronounced gap in unemployment rates.
Wisconsinites are Committed to Work
Wisconsin’s labor force participation rate has been higher than the national average since 1979.
One way Wisconsin’s commitment to work is evident is in its share of working age people who are in the labor force. J.7 compares labor force participation in the US and Wisconsin from 1979 to 2022. Wisconsinites have consistently shown a stronger attachment to work over the last 40 years, with the state’s 2022 labor force participation rate at 64.5 percent compared to the national rate of 62.2 percent.
Women in Wisconsin are especially committed to work.
Over the last 40 years, men’s labor force participation has been declining while women’s participation rose substantially from 1979-1999 and then drifted down in recent years.
J.8 shows that while Wisconsin reflects those national trends, workers in the state – both men and women – have historically shown greater connection to work. In 2022, 70 percent of Wisconsin’s men participated in the labor force (higher than the national 68 percent rate).
Wisconsin women’s labor force participation is also consistently above national rates of participation: 59 percent of Wisconsin women worked in 2022, compared to 57 percent of women nationally. One concern is clear. While Wisconsin womens’ labor force participation used to dramatically exceed national rates, in recent years, the gap is shrinking. This makes the state legislature’s lack of investment in child care infrastructure in the state especially troubling, as it is often women who carry a disproportionate burden of care for children.